Hearing Voices

This was the view from my apartment before I left for the airport last Sunday:

This was the view from my hotel room in Sydney:

I'll upload some more interesting pictures later.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen much of Sydney except from my balcony, let alone the rest of Australia.  Yesterday I worked about ten hours setting up an event for my client and tweaking my event management software.  When I got back to my hotel room, I figured I'd take it easy and save the fun for the weekend.

Law & Order: SVU was on television.  The first thing I noticed was the voices.  It sounded like the audio was running faster than normal.  Even the familiar actors sounded different.  Higher.  More nasal.  I wondered if it might have been dubbed.

Then it hit me.  They sounded different because I've been listening to Australian voices all week.  The show's audio wasn't different.  My ears were.

I'll be curious to see how American speech patterns sound to me when I get back to Ohio in three weeks.

- Feb 6 2009